About Me:
- Name: Osky
- Pronouns: He/Him
- Status: Taken ❤︎
- Music: Genres: Nu-Metal, Alt Metal, Gothic Rock/Metal, Cyber Metal. Artists: Evanescence, Korn, Lacuna Coil, Cryoshell, A Dark Halo.
- Games: Guild Wars 2, Jet Moto, Twisted Metal, Dreamfall/TLJ Series, Wrestling Games, Minecraft.
- Books: HP Lovecraft, The King In Yellow, 1984, A Catcher In The Rye, Fahreinheit 451, Neuromancer. (I don't read much tbh)
- TV/Movies: Ghost In The Shell, Transformers, Godzilla, The Matrix, Studio Ghibli, Evangelion, Anime, Wrestling,
- Aesthetics: Cyberpunk, Cybercore, Gothic, Minimalism, Neo Futurism, Cosmic Horror, Metalheart, Y2K.
- Likes: Wrestling, Evanescence, New York Mets, Guitar, Guild Wars 2, Graphic Design.
- Dislikes: Math, Effort.
Hi I'm Osky! I'm a 35yo guy born and raised from New Jersey, USA. I have Inattentive ADHD & I'm an amateur graphic designer. I have been around the net since the late 90s. Thanks to a member on the Evanescence Discord I got interested in Neocities. I had heard of it before but didn't try it until then. I'll ramble in a blogpost more about this but I love this web revival. Neocities is such an amazing website that really brought lot of nostalgia and good feels back to me. Its crazy to see people speak fondly of my formative internet years. I go by Osky. Pronounced "Osk"-"key", but some people go "Oh Sky" and even Oaky lol. I'll use those as jokey usernames sometimes haha. OskyCMK is one of my main usernames. "CMK" refers to an older username of mine. Not that I hide it particularly well but I don't want to share it and I rather let that name fade into the ether. Osky comes from a modification of my real name. I actually heard a classmate in like 3rd grade call me this and I used it for an AOL username, then I abandoned it thinking it was childish. I meandered around various names. After joining a Minecraft server I wanted a friendlier name, and Osky came back to me in adulthood.
My earliest computer memories were in elementary school. One of the classrooms had a Apple 2 computer and after we did our work we got a chance to play on it. Games like Oregon Trail and Where In The World Is Carmen Sandiego?. I first got a computer sometime in 98-99. We had a eMachines desktop with Windows 98. We had AOL. I spent time browsing a lot of Transformers and Pokemon websites. I played Shockwave player based games on Nick.com. I spammed AOL chat rooms with sketchy software that I'm positive got my computer hacked.
Over the years I involved myself in a couple of things. First I was playing Impossible Creatures and I was on the Impossible Creatures Planet forums. I formed a guild with a girl I met there called ROC. We and another friend we met on IC started chatting on Yahoo Messenger. After that I was involved in a wrestling RP forum that was called OCW and later UGP. After that I got into Evanescence and immersed myself in the online fandom. Then I started a fan community for Jet Moto called Jet Moto Central, which is now on Neocities! Played Minecraft on a noted Tumblr based server and met my girlfriend Curly on there.
Today I am admin on one of the biggest Evanescence fan communities known as EvThreads. I also am admin/founder to Jet Moto Central, which is a fan site for the 90s Playstation racer series Jet Moto. I also operate on Discord running two servers one for Evanescence and the other for my Jet Moto Central community. I also play Minecraft but I am big on Guild Wars 2. I try to get away from gaming nowadays though because its becoming an expensive hobby for me. I want to play guitar more and if I'm gonna spend money I rather it be on that and like, self-improvement. Yes I know guitar is just as expensive of a hobby but still. Also I just wanna cut down on distracting things in my life.
Well that's me. The online me. I wrote this while bored at work. These days I've been kind of reserved but the whole web revival has really gotten me interested in being out there online a little more. I just wanted to share about myself and my internet experiences. I hope I get to know some of the cool people on the Neocities community.
Twitter: OskyEv
Last.fm: CaMacKid
Discord: oskycmk
YouTube: OskyCMK