
Heyo. I took time away from the site. Tweaking a thing or two here or there nothing major. I am updating the music page. I will talk about these bands I love and such and why one should check them out. I want to talk specially why I like them. Like the emotional aspects and the cool factors that draw me to them. I want to distinctly point out things. I never really get to do that elsewhere. This is my website dammit! :P

I'm debating specifically a layout change where I would remove the navigation sidebar on all the pages except the home. I'm thinking of just putting the links in the footer for those pages, or just a back button. Most of these pages don't go anywhere deeper anyways at the moment. I feel if I do that it will be easier on me and the indiviual pages will have room to breathe and be more interesting. Also would fix my guestbook page because I had to widen the main context box for it because it only goes to like 465px width or so. Honestly I might go with a chatbox type thing and have it on the home page instead? Idk. I might just do all these changes anyways. Do you guys get this way with stuff? Like you have an idea for a thing but you put it off and off but in all honesty it's probably the way to go and you're just being stubborn?

I should talk about me more too. Well we got some stuff at home to sort out. Lot of organizing and layout changes because we got too much stuff. In a lot of ways we are planning for if we got to move. Less stuff is better for that. It's kind of stressful. Losing things is hard for my brother. Lot of memories and wishes unfulfilled. Our mom died in 2021 so its been hard for him to let go of things. He was really attached to mom.

Playing on a modded MC server with my girlfriend and her brother and her brother's friends. It has been fantastic. It's basically vanilla but there is this mod called Origins that basically allows everyone to pick a class. The origins have advantages and disadvantages. But us in particular we all have custom origins my girlfriend's brother coded for all of us. We got to design them and balance them out. I'm a squid based class I called the Cepheid. My main mode of travel is by sea and I can make a ink cloud for defense. It's fun. My girlfriend is Warlock of the Deep Dark.

If you don't know I admin an Evanescence Discord and a Jet Moto community. Both are going great. We just had to ban a massive creep. They were just really awkward and uncomfortable to chat with but then right when we were totally done with them of them bombshells came out. I don't wanna go into detail but what a creep.
