
Here I am again. I wanted to write something quick. I read some stuff online and it got me inspired to write something. It's kind of a ramble, and not super coherent. I try to write what I feel.

I'm a pretty empathic person actually. I try to help where I can. I learned though that there are limits. There are good limits actually. The gist of these are...

So the first one is actually interesting. I think I misheard this from a segment on MTV. I interpreted this as don't overextend yourself and try to help everyone because thats impossible. I think focusing on areas that you know, that you are capable in, will be far more helpful than anything else. I don't think necessarily it means to just forget about the world and everyone else and be selfish. I think it means to simply don't overdo it. Help locally. Help in your niche. Like I sure can send a donation or two to causes in other countries, but for the most part these other communities will need to help themselves too. I can't just fly there and sweep through debris, I don't have the money, I don't have the physical ability. Wouldn't I be helpful elsewhere? Helping in the world doesn't just mean donating or giving your time to charities. I think it can be even simplier than that, just helping your friends. You shouldn't try to go beyond your means if you can't handle it. I've seen people get really overwhelmed trying to do things they just don't have the capability for. Then feel incredibly heartbroken over it. I think just being able to help one person, even on a minor thing, can be so good for the world. Know a skill? Know how to moderate a Discord server? Know basic graphic design or web skills? Hell just being an ear for someone is a huge thing. I think we always need to take a step back because we tend to overwhelm ourselves.

The other point came from my experiences with my girlfriend who has depression and OCD. I think it's pretty simple idea. I can be there for people, but what they get out of that will be up to them. I had to learn to back off. I don't have much else to say about this. Try to remember to focus on your happiness and not others, and not others making you happy. You make your happiness. I don't have any suggestions, but I think some people will always appreciate to consider a new perspective because we do forget these things. I never like to say things are common sense or simple. For as long as I've been in this world things are not as common sense as we might think. Just try your best to keep things simple, and always start from there when you need to. The best sports athletes in the world always go back to the fundamentals when they are in a slump.
