
Here's the music I listen to. You can check out my profile of course but I want to talk about why I love these bands here.

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Top Bands


This band... So I've been a fan since 2005. I was 14 when Fallen dropped but music in general wasn't in my radar. A classmate gave me a CD with a game that also had some of music on there. Among those, Evanescence songs. My Last Breath being one of them. I was really intrigued. Later on I bought an mp3 player and I started downloading a bunch of stuff. When Call Me When You're Sober music video came out, oh man, I was SMITTEN. Amy Lee was so stunning. I had also gotten so hooked on the music and her voice. Bought all their CDs. In 2009, I joined the online fandom by signing up to the original EvThreads. EvThreads shut down because of forum drama. Another user revived the forum via free forum software. I volunteered to help admin because I knew the forum software. Met amazing people, and it all changed my life in some ways. I started a Discord too.

Favorite Songs: My Last Breath, Sick, Tourniquet, The Only One.


Before Evanescence, this was my favorite band. Solid #2. Coming Undone was the first song I heard of them actually. I listened to that song on repeat for days. I branched out to their other music too. I don't have much to say but they are such a important band to me. I just love their style.

Favorite Songs: Coming Undone, Somebody Someone, Everything I've Known, Killing, Got The Life, Blind.

Lacuna Coil

Way back I did discover this band in my searches for female fronted metal. While I dug what I found I didn't quite get hooked on them until I saw the video of their "Live From The Apocalypse" performance of Veneficium in 2020. Oh my god. That song felt like impending doom. I fell in love with that sound LC was putting out. They rapidly became a top 3 band for me, knocking out a band I would have said was number 3 and now isn't in top 5. I think this band is incredible. Their heavy sound is the perfect for me, they don't go overboard and it feels approachable and heavy.

Favorite Songs: Reckless, Veneficium, I'm Not Afraid, Trip The Darkness, Our Truth.


So Cryoshell is an interesting band. If you remember LEGO Bionicle by any chance they had these commericals with this cool music on them. I wasn't like a big Bionicle follower(?) but I had read a few comics and had a few of those toys, as a kid. Anyways sometime later I went on their website and they had music to download. Christine Lorentzen - Creeping In My Soul, and Niels Brink - Gravity Hurts, and among other songs. I fell so in love with this music. Nothing really came out after that. Years later "Cryoshell" shows up. I was so smitten like anything. They sound like Evanescence but more nu-metal but not really. I heard people call them a lighter Lacuna Coil too. I don't know, but I love it. It's not like the most technical or progressive music or the most talented but damn it's great. It just hits that spot. I think with music sometimes its about how it hits you and not if it's filling a quota. Cryoshell is dark, hopeful, adventurous, mysterious. Briefly they had a different singer for two tracks and let me tell you, she killed it. She wasn't quite like Christine but she brought a lot of power into Gravity Hurts and I couldn't stop listening.

Favorite Songs: Creeping In My Soul, Bye Bye Babylon, Trigger, Gravity Hurts, Dive.

A Dark Halo

I found this band on WWE Day of Reckoning 2 for Gamecube. I pirated their music around that time and I was hooked. Heavy cyber metal but atmospheric. Again, they hit a spot for me. They help me explore the realm of industrial metal and the "cyber metal" genre, which was really cool to find. I find that ADH doesn't go too overboard which is what I like. It's not too techno-esque. They feel closer to a doom-ier nu-metal. I think accessible is a term but I don't like that because I can just not like something thats more frantic, and I do listen to stuff more frantic that them. I do listen to some Fear Factory and it's always the slower doomy songs I like more. Also the atmospheric electronic elements, feeling like a movie or videogame soundtrack or the ambience in a sci-fi game.

Favorite Songs:Unbreakable, Apex Realized, I Revenant, Starfall, Vector Unknown.

Top 5 Albums

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